Western Connecticut Area Agency on Aging

place Waterbury, Connecticut, USA
language http://www.wcaaa.org


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The mission of the Western Connecticut Area Agency on Aging, Inc., is to develop, manage and provide comprehensive services for seniors, caregivers and individuals with disabilities through person-centered planning in order to maintain their independence and quality of life. *We'd like help with just ONE of the many programs offered by the org, a Chronic Disease Self-Management Workshop called Live Well with Diabetes.

What We Do

What Debby Horowitz and I do is plan, schedule and run the Live Well with Diabetes workshops all around Waterbury, CT. Organizations, churches, community groups, senior centers host these 6 week-workshops, and our trained facilitators lead this FREE, evidence-based, interactive workshop once a week for 2.5 hours


Deb K.
Volunteer manager
Volunteer manager
Debby H
Debby H.
Live Well Regional Coordinator