We Grow Food,Inc.

place St Thomas, Virgin Islands, Virgin Islands (U.S.)
language https://www.facebook.com/WEGROWF…


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The mission of We Grow Food.Inc., is to promote, develop, preserve, and defend agriculture in the Virgin Islands by assisting farmers in the Virgin islands in the growth and development of their farm operations by establishing programs in partnership in the agriculture sector, both private, and government, in order to provide the virgin Islands with fresh locally grown produce at affordable prices.

What We Do

To replant indigenous Caribbean fruits, vegetables, herbs and bushes.
To promote the appreciation of agriculture in our school, from K to 12th; ensuring our agriculture future in this territory. Making our farms available as a second classroom for our young people, by means of field trips, farming experiments and hands on farming projects.
To establish agricultural programs in our neighborhoods, communities, and organizations.
To utilize our natural resources for the production of clean, economical, and environmentally safe energy
by promoting and encouraging private home owners to plant fruit trees in their back yards.
To assist by donating fresh produce to people who reside in senior citizen housing communities.
To reclaim no less than 400 acres for Estate Bordeaux to Agricultural Zone


Benita M.
Delano F.
Volunteer Member