The Georgia Ballet

place Marietta, Georgia, USA


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Our mission is to inspire the public through professional ballet performance and to influence students through the positive impact of dance training and community outreach.

The Georgia Ballet strives to preserve the art of classical ballet by introducing new audiences to professional performance and providing exceptional training for our students. Through our programs, we strive to produce confident, self disciplined individuals with creative problem solving skills that translate to whatever career they pursue. It is important to us to make dance accessible to people of all ages, abilities and economic statuses.

What We Do

The Georgia Ballet is comprised of 3 unique programs; the Professional Company, The School of The Georgia Ballet, and "Arts in Education" outreach programs.

The professional company is made up of a diverse group of dancers who have performed across the U.S. and the world. The goal of our professional company is to fill the artistic voids in communities throughout Georgia by enlightening students' spirits, and introducing them to the art of ballet. Each year, our company performs numerous productions for the community and for thousands of area school children.

The School of The Georgia Ballet is one of Georgia's most prestigious ballet institutions. Led by School Director, Ashleyanne Hensley, students ages 3 and up receive dance education from experienced ballet professionals from around the world. The school is made up of a diverse group of students, mostly in grades K through 12. The School of The Georgia Ballet offers a variety of courses including Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Hip Hop, Modern, Partnering, Pilates, Barre Fusion and Pointe.

Our "Arts in Education" community outreach programs play a vital role in enriching the lives in our community. These programs cultivate a love for the arts, while encouraging creative thinking, problem solving, athleticism, and healthy life styles. Momentum is a program that provides free classes for students in Title 1 schools. DanceAbility is a class for children with mental and physical disabilities.


Joy J
Joy J.
Executive Director
Alexa D
Alexa D.
School Director