place Tucson, Arizona, USA


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SARSEF creates the next generation of critical thinkers and problem solvers through science and engineering.

What We Do

SARSEF empowers students to identify problems in their everyday life and solve them using science and engineering. From keeping a grandmother well by building a solar heater to discovering a potential cure for Parkinson's, SARSEF students are changing our community and the world- one problem at a time.

SARSEF reaches over 95,000 students annually through our programs and events.

Our free programs train teachers on how to integrate science in to their everyday lessons- while checking off those state standards. We host parent-student workshops at low-income schools so the whole family can support their young problem solvers. And we have incredible in-depth programs for middle and high school students to explore a problem they are passionate about.


Liz B
Liz B.
Director of Finance and Operations
Danniey W
Danniey W.
Volunteer and Events Manager