Global Village Project

place Decatur, Georgia, USA


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At Global Village Project, our mission is to develop a strong educational foundation for each student within a caring community using a strengths-based approach and intensive instruction in English language and literacy, academic subjects, and the arts.

What We Do

As a nonprofit middle school, GVP's full-day, tuition-free academic program serves refugee girls from all over the world. Our innovative educational model was designed specifically for refugee girls who have had their education interrupted and have recently been resettled in the U.S. Recognizing the inequities that exist in traditional educational settings for newcomer students, English Language Learners, and other marginalized groups, the GVP model was created as an intervention - a way of doing education differently. As a result, our model is unique in its approach to removing the barriers that refugee learners face and amplifying their voices as young leaders. We provide a three-year program, focused on English language literacy, core academic subjects, and the arts, in the context of a compassionate community and a STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics) framework. Our approach is intensive and highly individualized, emphasizing creativity, critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and confidence.


Danielle E.
Volunteer manager
Cassie L
Cassie L.
Curriculum & Assessment Coordinator
Elizabeth E
Elizabeth E.
CEO and Head of School