Community Enrichment Fitness Network

place Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA


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Community Enrichment Fitness Network's (CEFN) mission is to empower individuals who want to make a permanent healthy lifestyle change through healthy eating and becoming more physically active. This is accomplished through our various programs and events.

Our vision is to address and reduce the obesity epidemic in Philadelphia and throughout the Delaware Valley, primarily in the African- American community.

What We Do

CEFN history originally began as the Christian Entertainment Fellowship Network in 1997 but changed its name and mission to help individuals make a healthy lifestyle change in 2007 May.

Today, CEFN hosts several community programs and a television show dedicated to teaching adults, children, and seniors how to eat healthier and become more active. Our current programs include Nutrition and Awareness Cooking Class, Senior Gala Fundraisers, Senior Health Expos, and Focus on Fitness TV. The nutrition and awareness program includes educating older adults in new ways of eating by cooking and receiving tips from guest speakers. The senior galas consist of healthy meals, dances to stay active, and giveaways for the older adults. The senior expos are composed of health screenings, life-changing workshops, and physical exercise demos. The Focus on Fitness TV includes 30 minutes of health and fitness show on the Philly Cam channel. The focus is to give the community access to health and fitness information in the comfort of their own home. This program includes interviews with nutrition experts, healthy food demonstrations by chefs, and physical activities provided by fitness experts.


Sherry H
Sherry H.
Executive Director and Founder
Jinny B.
Volunteer manager
Stephanie V.
Event Planner