Chance for Success, Street Newspaper

place Tucson, Arizona, USA
language http://www.chanceforsuccessnews.…


Saved on 13 projects and calls

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Chance for Success, Street Newspaper's mission is to give the opportunity to the homeless, marginalized, re-entry, and low-income to create/sell the newspaper with dignity, respect, and advocacy.

What We Do

We provide entrepreneurship opportunities for the homeless, marginalized, re-entry, and low-income individuals in the Tucson community.

We will also be providing programs that give a "A HAND UP INSTEAD OF A HAND OUT." Our Vendor Program will be establishing a way to create/sell the newspaper with dignity, respect, and advocacy. We will be empowering people to rise out of poverty.


Heather E
Heather E.
David M
David M.
CEO/ Founder
dwight h
dwight h.