Braata Productions

place Saint Albans, New York, USA


Saved on 12 projects and calls

This is the total value we've estimated for all projects matched. Learn more about how we calculate project savings.


Braata Productions - a non-profit arts company based in New York City, was created to address the complete needs of theatre patrons in the United States by showcasing and promoting authentic Caribbean talent and culture.

Braata aims to foster and develop a greater interest in the understanding and appreciation for the Caribbean region and the Diaspora by showcasing its lifestyles, traditions and customs through the visual and performing arts.

Braata also seeks to reach out to the wider non-Caribbean community, and act as a vehicle for artistic integration by promoting fellowship and increased cooperation amongst all who are engaged in the advancement of the arts as a tool for entertainment, education and social change.


Andrew C
Andrew C.
Executive Director
Braata Productions M.
Administrative Associate
David O.
Communications & Marketing Associate